Monday 6 February 2012

To be honest today has been absolutely rubbish. I've been up all morning worrying about a close friend due to a text i received in the early hours of today.
We spent most of the day playing on Rock Band and i'm going over to his later on to play on CoD for a while.
After having my wisdom teeth out it's been annoying to eat as i'm using my front teeth in fear food might get lodged in one of the wounds, which it now has done today.
On Wednesday i'm seeing Andy to swap clothes and DVD's back over then going to meet up with Rich as we haven't seen each other since January last year which is a tad horrid! Also on Saturday i'm going to see Cat and then she will be accompanying me to a photoshoot that me and Clare have organised. I just need to get all my clothes sorted again like last time!
I don't really have anything else to write about today really so this shall do for now


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