For most of the day i've been deciding on whether or not to post this video on here as people who i personally know visit this blog, and i'm fine by that. I've just never actually openly admitted on such an open post that i have an Eating Disorder and have done for some time as i always worry that people will think of me as less of a person.
I can say i've successfully been in recovery since September last year and it's one of the best and important decisions. It has changed my life so much already being healthier and positive.
I know a few people in recovery or wanting to and i can see me this time last year. Scared and not thinking i'll do it.
Recovery should be embraced not feared. It's scary to make that big change and it's scary to think that a big part of your life is going to be eliminated sooner or later, and it's a relief when it comes. I can eat in front of new people and even my boyfriends family without freaking out about it.
It's a dark subject for my first 2012 post but it really needed to be put on here.
Good luck to anyone else xx
awh babes well done, that video took guts! x