Wednesday 4 July 2012

Interview with Antony Flemming

I think everyone who reads my blog, follows my Tumblr or is friends with me on Facebook knows how much tattoo's mean to me and that I am a keen enthusiast for the amazing permanent art that people choose to have on their body.

Due to me having Tumblr for quite a while I have seen the rising recognition of Antony Flemming on there and I have also made a promise to myself that one day I will be tattooed by this amazing artist. Even my mum who is opinionated on tattoo's, thinks that the tattoo's he produces are certainly beautiful.
I know a few months ago I had said that I had asked him questions, and due to silly Tumblr we had problems swapping information, but here it is, my interview with the lovely and talented Antony Flemming!

Tell us a little about yourself and how you got interested in the business?
 I am 22 and sadly enough have no other interests other than tattooing. That and having fun with my friends with the little time I have off.
I work in London at a place called World of Tattoos, It’s a great shop with an awesome local reputation and a bunch of lovely people that I am happy to say are some of my best friends.
I owe everything to this shop and my boss Glyn Foster.

How long have you been tattooing for?
I did my first ever tattoo in 2008 but didn’t complete my apprenticeship until October 2009. So, nearly 3 years now.

What did your family and friends think about you getting into the tattoo business?
My dad was fairly sceptical at first. When I was at school I got good grades especially in maths. I ended up with an A* and my dad, I think wanted me to go to uni to do maths. But I could not think of a more soul destroying career choice.
My mum is proud of me no matter what I do. I reckon even if I killed someone she would boast about how well I killed them...(obviously not condoning murder Antony!) So naturally she loves that I am doing fairly well for myself.

 What is your favourite part of the job?
 Speaking to a new person everyday, making people smile when they look in the mirror. Not having that feeling in the morning, you know, gah fuck, I gotta go to work… I have never felt that. I am always excited to go in and create cool tattoos.

Are there any tattooist, artists famous or not that have inspired your work?
Everyone I work with.

You do guest spots in different businesses, where has your favourite place been and where would you really like to have a guest spot?
To be honest I have only worked at Lab Money in Stirling, Scotland. It was such a great experience and the guys were lovely. I am about to guest at xXx in Lucerne, Switzerland and I am really looking forward to it as it is such an amazing shop with talented artists. I am guesting in Sydney and Melbourne at the end of the year, which obviously will be fun.
I would love to work at Conspiracy Inc. with Uncle Allan and Eckel. Maybe one day.

What would you say to a person wanting to get into the tattoo business?
It’s fucking hard work. It looks easy, but people forget we work more than any other industry, 12 hour days to then go home and draw for the next day. Make sure you love tattooing, and I mean actually love it otherwise find something else to do as a career

 How young were you when you had your first tattoo and what was it?
 I was 17 it was stars on my wrist…

What is the most original tattoo you've done and what is your most favourite?
This is such a difficult question, My mind changes all the time. But I really like my friend Rupert's chest. It’s a kingfisher.

The man himself doing what he does best.
 The kingfisher tattoo.

 One of my personal favourites.
Time lapse video of variety of tattoo's over 1 day.

1 comment:

  1. That's very inspiring, thanks for sharing!
    I always dreamed about becoming a tattoo artist, but then I started my own business in IT industry (check out microsoft 365 pricing to find out more) and it just kinda faded away... Still, it's so exciting for me to read about people like this.
