Saturday 28 April 2012

Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread as promised

Posting these posts that I make, or even finishing them seems to be so daunting for me as I know that personally, I can do so much better and always get worried I'll be criticised for not have one theme that I stick to on here, let's be honest I go from one thing to another, but that reflects my mind and my situation in life.

As I said on Wednesday, I did eventually make my Cinnamon Sugar Bread yesterday and I can say I'm proud for making it for the first time and getting it near enough perfect bar a few things I can perfect on next time. As for the process I found it annoying at first due to me using an American measurement - using cups instead of grams - I suppose if you were brought up to do that, it's just simple and easy. I mean we own no cups in this house, just mugs which could hold today's cruise ships! The taking of the measurements is just the start, you have to have nearly everything separate and it did not help at all that you are meant to have live yeast and we only had dried yeast so that added more liquids to the mixture than was needed so having to put more flour in resulted in the baked result in being a little heavy.

 I really loved the sugar mixture what was needed. Caster sugar, Cinnamon and some ground Nutmeg. It smelt so lovely and did have to have a sneaky try after I had mixed it.

I think this picture sums up how utterly messy it really was making this bread! This was nearly 2 hours after the start of making the cake. Had to let it rise for an hour, then knead a bit of flour into it, then let it rest for another 20 mins, then finally knead, roll it then slice it up, put melted butter onto it then go crazy with the sugar! I still actually have half a bowl left, I've just put it into a storage jar so I can include it into fairy cakes or something like that! 

After leaving the dough to rise for another half an hour, it was time to stick it  in the oven, hoover up the sugar on the work surface, and yes I really did hoover up that sugar!
This was the amazing result when I took it out of the oven! I had a slice after tea and oh my word, I was so so proud of making this and it tasting wonderful! Because all the sugar had melted, it had soaked through the dough and turned into a syrup round the bottom, it was stupidly nice! And I would certainly recommend it with a lovely mug of Chai Tea to enhance the cinnamon and nutmeg.

For my next post tomorrow, I have something rather wonderful planned!

1 comment:

  1. THIS IS DIVINE. You're such a domestic Goddess it pains me.
