Monday 2 July 2012

The Amazing and Wonderful Jane Vickers a.k.a Mother Hen

I think it's about time I dedicated a post to my Mum. For the past 19/20 years this woman has done anything and everything possible to make me happy. Sometimes when younger, like any other person growing up, I was a right horrid and argumentative person towards her. I never truly appreciated how well she had brought me up.

Until 3 years ago we were still arguing most days. We started becoming more alike and started not just becoming more mother and daughter, but also best friends. I know you hear child psychologists saying a Parent should be just that, but I have such an amazing close relationship with her and I could never be so thankful.
The past few years I've put her through hell and it's tested her patience more than anything in life. But she's still been the best parent ever. The past 2 weeks she's really helped to pull me through a dark time in my life and I don't think that even the words in this blog could come close to how much I respect, love, admire and adore her.